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All students are required to take a lot of test papers that use various sources taken from articles or the Internet. But numerous checkers will immediately recognize plagiarism. Try to take advantage of tips to improve the uniqueness of student papers. Our service for writing college papers interested not only in the quality of work and high marks but also to improve the literacy of our students. You can find more information here, I hope we can help you.

  1. The only reliable one hundred percent method of increasing the uniqueness of student papers is a rewrite, done independently or ordered from qualified editors.
  2. Try to refrain from complex turns without losing the main point, long constructions are better replaced by a whole sentence.
  3. Look up unfamiliar facts that are not on the pages of the textbook.
  4. Paraphrase the author’s thoughts in your own inimitable way.
  5. Any word has many synonyms, use your imagination or use a special program.
  6. Use phrase dictionaries for your purposes. Keeping the main meaning greatly increases uniqueness.
  7. Use a bulleted list to replace the enumeration words.
  8. If there are many quotations in the text, try inserting your own statements between them. By increasing the volume of the paper, you reduce the percentage of plagiarism.
  9. Asking for help in writing a thesis or coursework to professional writing service, the percentage of uniqueness will meet the requirements of the most meticulous teacher.
  10. Another method should be noted – the shingle rules. By replacing one word of a phrase, the text instantly becomes original.

These are the ways to increase the uniqueness of the text at the moment. If you remember something else like this, write in the comments. Thanks in advance!


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Work with content, writing articles and term papers.

I love books, travel, lead a healthy lifestyle.


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